STDCM approached a majority of valley-based CSOs, including student bodies, in an effort to garner support for their cause. However, most of these organizations appeared disinterested, while a few even expressed opposition towards the movement. Nevertheless, HERICOUN (Ethno Heritage Council), a state-level CSO, and its affiliated organizations recognized the gravity of the issue and were willing to provide full support to the movement. In a joint meeting held on 5/4/2016 between STDCM and HERICOUN, along with its sister organizations, it was decided to establish a Coordinating Body to effectively advance the movement. This Coordinating Body will aid in the implementation of resolutions made by the Executive Committee of STDCM. Subsequently, three additional organizations, namely World Meetei Council (WMC), Salai Kanba Lup (SKL), and Kangleipak Kanba Lup (KKL), also pledged their support to the ST status demand movement. As a result, one representative from each of these organizations was appointed to the Executive Committee of STDCM.
The following is the comprehensive list of organizations that constitute the coordinating entity: